Masterclass, students and jury
Besides his teaching at The Royal Danish Academy of Music Morten Zeuthen has been guest professor overseas, served in honorary offices and been part of international jurys on many occasions.
Since 1997 Zeuthen has taken part in the Chamber Music Festival “Thy Masterclass”, a wonderful two-week event of international standard with highly gifted young professionals from all over the world. Zeuthen is one of five expierienced international musicians that play together with the young professionals..
More details, see thychambermusicfestival.dk/
He has been the artistic leader of two cellomasterclasses at Engelsholm Højskole and taught at the cello course openstrings.org in Lolland, Denmark. He has also been gust professor in Norway, Sweden, Germany, Israel and Chicago, USA.
The last years he has been in much demand as a guest professor in Central Music Conservatorium, Beijing, Middle School, Beijing, Krakow Music Academy, Poland, Hochschule für Music, Karlsruhe, Northwestern University, Chicago, and New World Symphony, Miami, Tianjin Conservatory, China, Royal Conservatory of Music, Bruxelles, Academia de Musica do Porto, Portugal.
Zeuthen is teaching on Distant Learning Technology on a regular basis to New World Symphony, Maimi, to Manhattan School of Music, Jacobs School, Indiana, Conservatoire de Music, Geneva and Sibelius Academy , Helsinki.
Morten Zeuthen has served in jurys in Det Norske Strykermesterskap, Den Danske Strygerkonkurrence, Øresunds Solist, as well as the UNISA-konkurrencen in South Africa, 2010.
This is a list of prizes and competitions won by students whilst studying with Morten Zeuthen:
- Ida Franck, DFM, Århus Symphony Orchestra (1984)
- Helle Sørensen (DFM) Radiounderholdningsorkestret 1. solo in 1988
- Henrik Dam Thomsen, DKDM: Radiosymfoniorkestret, 2. solo, 1st solocellist 2008.
- Jakob Kullberg, DKDM, Den danske Strygerkonkurrence, 3. pris (2005)
- Jakob Kullberg, P2’s Kammermusikkonkurrence 1. pris, (2006)
- Jakob Kullberg: Tysk Kammermusikkonkurrence, (2006)
- Johann Krarup, DKDM Radiosymfoniorkestret. (2004)
- Jan Harald Halvorsen, DKDM, Radiounderholdningsorkestret, 2. solo (2000)
- Janne Fredens DKDM Ozaka Chamber Music Competition 1st Prize (2003)
- Janne Fredens: CD of the Month, The Strad, (2005)
- Toke Møldrup, Melbourne Chamber Music Competition 1.st Prize (2005)
- Toke Møldrup: Young Talent of the Year, Eoropean Broadcasting Unions competition for young musicians. 2007.
- Toke Møldrup: First Price at The Danish String Competition, 2007
- Niklai Skliarevski: DKDM: Sønderjyllands Symfoniorkester, 2. solo (2002)
- Katarina Bazanova, DKDM: Århus Symfoniorkester 2. solo, (2001)
- Pias Enblom, DKDM: Göteborg Symfoniorkester, (2007)
- Carl Oskar Østerlind: 1. prisvinder i P2-prisen med Den Unge Danske Strygekvartet, (2002)
- Janne Fredens: Randers Kammerensemble, (2008)
- Toke Møldrup: 1st solocellist, Sjællands Symfoniorkester (2008)
- Amelia Jakobsen: Ljunggrenska Tävlingen, 2. pris, (2008)
- Carl Oskar Østerlind: Ljunggrenska Tävlingen, 2. pris
- Carl Oskar Østerlind: Den Danske Strygerkonkurrence, 1. pris, 2010
- Jacob Shaw: 3rd price at The Danish String Competition, 2011
- Jacob Shaw: in the finals at Wilhelmina Suggia competition, Porto, Portugal, 2011
- Signe Bitch: 14 år: 1. price at Berlingske Musikonkurrence, 2012
- Jacob Shaw: 1. price at The Danish String Competition, 2012
Now Zeuthens cello class has won first price in the only Danish competition for string players under 30 year
- Magdalena Brostek, solocellist at Pori Sinfonietta, Finland, 2012
- Signe Bitch: 14 år, 1. pris ved Berlingske Musikonkurrence, 2012
- Adam Stadnicki, 2012: permanet cellist in Athelas Sinfonietta
- Signe Bitch, 15 år, 2. price at Øresunds Konkurrencen, 2013
- Louisa Schwab, : First principal, Malmo Opera, 2012
- Louisa Schwab, 1. solo cellist at Danish National Chamber Orchestra (RSO), 2013
- Adam Stadnicki, Co-wiiner, Malmø Opera Orchestra, 2013
- Carl Oscar Østerlind, August 2013: Permanent cello position in Danish Chamber Players
- Tobias van der Pals, 1. solocellist at Hälsinborg Symfoniorkester
- Carl Oscar Østerlind, Co-winner as 1. solocellist at Hälsingborg, 2014 Symphony orchestra, both on trial
- Signe Epstrup Bitch: Finalist in DR TV competition “Spil for livet”, plus Gold-medal AND The Talent Price 2014, in Berlingske Music Competition, 2014
- Theodor Lyngstad, the Leonie Sonning Price for young musicians.
- Carl Oscar Østerlind, 2016, Co-winner as 1. Solocellist, Iceland Symphony Orchestra
- Theodor Lyngstad, 4th price at Den Danske Strygerkonkurrence, 2018
- Mikolai Blaszczyk, 4th price at Den danske Strygerkonkurrence, 2018
- Carl Oscar Østerlind, Co-winner as 1. Solocellist, Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
- Cansin Cara, tutti cello, 2020, Danish National Symphony Orchestra
- Carl Oscar Østerlind, 2022, co-winner at Odense Symphony Orchestra
Former students, still in contact to Zeuthen
- Andreas Broch, DKDM , Ålborg Symfoni Orkester (2004)
- Toke Møldrup, DKDM, Den Danske Strygerkonkurrence, 1. pris, 2007
- Janne Fredens: Malmø Symphony Orchestra, 2008
- Janne Fredens: Randers Kammerensemble, 2009
- Jakob Kullberg: Professor at Royal College of Music, London, 2014
- Carl Oscar Østerlind, first solo, Island Symphony Orchestra, 2016
- Carl Oscar Østerlind, first solo 2019, Aalborg Symfoniorkester, 2019
- Theodor Lyngstad, first solocellist in Copenhagen Phil, 2019
- Samira Dayyani, tutti cello Copenhagen Phil, 2019
- Toke Møldrup, assistant professor, Royal Danish Academy of Music, 2019
- Jacob Kullberg, professorship at Royal Academy of Music, London, 2014
- Toke Møldrup, Associate professor at The Royal Danish Academy of Music, 2022